MBA Dissertation – a Key to the Career of Top Manager
Dissertation • March 29, 2010
MBA Dissertations For Successful Managers
You are lucky to study on the program MBA (Master of Business Administration). Two years of your study in one of the top business schools are over and you are preparing to complete it successfully with MBA dissertation. MBA degree gives you a wide range of advantages:
Possibility to get a workplace abroad after receiving the deep practical knowledge in various business spheres (finance, marketing, enterprising,
Possibility to establish valuable business-contacts all over the world;
Possibility to change your work cardinally;
Possibility to make international career and to lead one of the huge corporations;
Possibility to invest successfully into your own growth.
You are probably dying to know, what can you do to ensure effective completion of MBA dissertations? What exactly is such a kind of dissertation and how does it differ from the others? How to choose the dissertation topic and formulate statement? The following pieces of advice and explanations will provide you with the necessary tools for it.
The best way of description of your research is its purpose. While learning all the material from your educational courses, you try to gather it in one essential research paper – MBA dissertation. The dissertation accumulates learning material that you have indeed learned and understood well enough to report in written form on a major academic level. Now it`s time to step on it:
Choose the most relevant, significant and important topic. It mostly implies the analysis of the business or a group of businesses in the world and research how the laws of micro- and macroeconomics learned in the course material affects these business or a group of businesses;
• Take advantage of the help of the mandated faculty supervisor whenever possible;
• Compose a thesis statement of your dissertation very clearly;
• Choose for analysis a business that you will be able to gather adequate information on. Attend the enterprises. Take notes and useful data;
• Do not avoid using libraries and internet. While exploring literature or other sources, think over the structure of your future dissertation. The requirements of design are the following:
a) dissertation paper must be printed in font 12, with interval 1,5 or 2;
b) left, right, upper, bottom margins are all one inch;
c) the right design of the title sheet;
d) content (a kind of expanded plan with a list of structure elements: introduction, parts and chapters, conclusion and additional literature)
e) formulations of the names of the chapters must be doubled in the text.
The path to a successful MBA dissertations writing is long, but our team of highly qualified writers offer you custom dissertations on various topics. In case you are not sure how to complete them properly, make use of some ready examples at If you need a written from scratch dissertation, you are welcome to place an order and competent research writers will deal with any topic you are concerned.

Written by Gregory Cox
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