Peer pressure essay
Essay • February 12, 2011
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Multiple options in writing peer pressure essays
Public domain abounds with resources attributing many bad things to juvenile, teenage or adolescent “peer pressure”. These statistics estimate the percentage of people afflicted with vices, diseases and other undesirable traits in a target group like adolescents. Then they blame “peer pressure”. Let see some of these numbers.
Juvenile and teen groups: smoking-30% Premature sex-50%(?!) Narcotic drug abuse -10% Alcohol abuse-32% Pregnancies-27%(??!). Adolescent Substance Abuse Knowledge Base and many other resources keep expanding this list. Many organizations do full time work in these areas. There is a surfeit of even research papers on these lines.
This has become a treasure trove for many peer pressure essays. To write peer pressure essays based on all these topics you should spend more than 100 years in schools or colleges. Parents, teachers, academics, the law enforcement and the society have found a convenient scrap goat in “peer pressure” for all the maladies of the young. defines peer pressure as “Social pressure by members of one’s peer group to take a certain action, adopt certain values, or otherwise conform in order to be accepted”. This definition by itself can seed many peer pressure essays.
Positive peer pressure
The definition is neutral. The “peer groups” are not necessarily groups of the very young. “Action” and “values” need not always be bad. “Conformity” is voluntary. Not everyone craves for “acceptance”.
There are peer groups comprising of adults, professionals or various other types of people. Research about the dynamics of these groups does not receive as much publicity as the “peer pressure” of the young. It is not that the perceptions of such groups are always healthy.
I know of many school pupils who engage themselves in constructive social work or dramatically improve their academic performances because of their peers. Many schools and colleges do work on creating systems to foster an inclusive environment irrespective of the fact a particular student is perceived to be a conformist or not. If the family and the teachers show the students that there are many groups to select from based on criteria other than age or studentship, limited peer “acceptance” in the school will cease to produce the adverse results so horridly portrayed.
For a change you can attempt peer pressure essays from these perspectives. You can seek essay help if necessary to attempt these infrequently used leads. This web site can provide specialist help by academics with excellent credentials.
Commercial exploitation of peer pressure in the young
Movie blockbusters, best seller publications, vendors of apparel, cosmetics, tobacco, liquor and many other commodities or services are always looking to expand their market and improve their bottom-line. Exacerbating peer pressure of the young works to the advantage of these vested interests. Hence you find movies glorifying violence and anti social behavior and books on social maladies to be ignored. They win accolades even from academics and educational institutions. Ample dissertation help is readily available if you want to discuss these issues.

Written by Gregory Cox
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