Peer Pressure Essay
Essay • February 26, 2011
Table of Contents
Ideas for writing a Peer Pressure Essay:
A peer pressure essay can be attempted from many angles. There are many topics that come under this domain and there are also various writing styles that fit in, according to the topics. A peer pressure essay can address the issue of peer pressure in general or it can focus on one incidence related to Peer Pressure.
Peer Pressure:
Many issues faced by juvenile groups are attributed to Peer pressure. Peer pressure is actually the name of the force which derives young people to act in certain ways while conforming to their peer group. Peer pressure may lead them to become juvenile. If an adolescent is caught up in bad company, he or she is forced to do whatever stuff the rest of the group is in to. This might include drugs, smoking, theft drinking or sex. Peer pressure can be positive or negative, depending on the nature of the peer group. While negative peer pressure can turn an adolescent into a criminal, positive peer pressure can also turn a bad egg into a good one.
Writing a Peer Pressure Essay:
Following are some ideas to write about while attempting a peer pressure essay:
• Do not make the term peer pressure sound as an all negative tone. Peer pressure can be positive as well as negative as stated above. However, usually its negative aspects are more discussed in essays.
• Many of us have faced peer pressure at one point in life. You can add such an incident in the essay and how it impacted you and your life. You can also add what you learnt from it.
• The essay can focus on tips for avoiding or countering negative peer pressure. Many kids want to fight peer pressure but cant. The essay can focus on how to train and equip children with skills of saying ‘no’ and knowing when to day ‘no’. Adolescents must be taught to recognize when they are losing control.
• Another idea is to provide guidelines for teachers and parents on how to help kids overcome negative peer pressure. They must encourage children to join positive peer groups like church groups or scouting groups for that matter.
• Your essay can also focus on general forms of negative peer pressure. Sometimes kids facing peer pressure do not recognize it and therefore do not realize while falling prey to negative peer pressure.
• The essay can also be based on tactics of saying no firmly but politely. Teenagers often lack in persuasive communication skills and become too conforming which in turns translates as peer pressure trouble for such teens.
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Written by Gregory Cox
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