Writing an essay on The Outsiders
Essay • February 13, 2011
Table of Contents
The Outsider’s Essays: How to attempt?
The Outsiders, by S.E Hinton is a popular novel published for the first time back in 1967. The novel is about two teenage gangs, belonging to contrasting socio economic classes. Students are often assigned to write essays on The Outsiders. Writing an essay on a novel is a challenging task, and not everyone can do it easily. One has to be an ardent reader and a concise writer to attempt such an essay nicely. Essay help can be sought by students online in this regard.
The Outsiders Theme Essay
Thematic essays on the Outsiders are common. The outsider’s essays based on the theme of the novel can be tricky, since the novel has many themes. Following tips must be kept in mind while attempting a theme based essay on the Outsiders:
• First decide whether you wish you focus on the main theme or all of the themes. If you decide to concentrate on the main theme, then start with an introduction, a very brief summary of the plot, include the theme in the main body, and end with a conclusion. If you decide to add different themes, then divide the essay in clear sections, each section representing one theme.
• The main theme of the novel is that of the devastations brought about by gang-ship in teenage. Make sure that you include how the author has portrayed the negative influence of belonging to a gang on one’s life and not merely what happens in the story.
• The other themes in the novel include that of contrasting difference between the economic classes to which both the gangs belonged; and that of hard work and will power which can lead a person out of the trouble of gang life into which one is born.
The Outsiders plot Essay
An outsider’s plot essay is relatively easy to write as compared to a thematic essay on the same novel. A plot essay is like a summary of the story. If the word limit is not too much, try to add the main story and summarize the important events as concisely as possible. Avoid any critical evaluations or reflective comments on the novel in a plot essay.
The Outsider’s Character sketches:
While attempting an essay on the character sketches of the Outsider’s, it is advisable to introduce the reader briefly to the context of the novel. Character sketches are best created in the order of their appearance in the novel. It is advisable to avoid any subjective views on the characters that might have formed in mind while reading the novel.
It is always better to seek professional help in writing essays you find difficult. You can also order a research paper and seek dissertation help online. This can be done by filling out simple forms online. This way, writing experts can help and guide you in creating better assignments and securing good grades in the same.

Written by Martin Cardoso
I have started working as a freelance writer back in college. After graduation, it has become my full-time job and I’ve never regretted this decision. Seeing your satisfaction and positive feedback is the greatest joy for me!
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