Literature Review Examples Help to Complete Academic Paper Excellently
Literature review • March 4, 2010
Find Out How to Make Use of Literature Review Examples
The first thing you need to do while preparing your literature review is to read already existing literature review examples to find out how other investigators have completed such task. You can try to repeat what you think is done well, and avoid some things that seams to be useless or unnecessary. Besides, you can ask your tutor to suggest some literature reviews that he thinks may provide good models for you to follow.
Moreover for every research study you will read for your future review, make sure you can sum up the main points of study briefly. You must be able to explain in a sentence or two the main arguments of every item you read about. It may not always be required to include such information, but it will surely help you to compare some items as you write your work. Remember, your literature review must be selective. When you write it, you shouldn’t describe each item you read. Your review should only tell about the main points that have a direct relation to the central focus of your research. Besides, you need to keep in mind the following facts about literature review writing.
1) To summarize and evaluates the knowledge on some definite subject your review should address four tasks. You may find them in good literature review examples. The first two tasks are to decide what every separate study has examined and what they concluded from its research. The third task involves summing up some collective results. And finally, the fourth task is to come to a conclusion about the quality of the literature in general.
2) Try to sort your results into three groups. The first will include the information about the common features of existing studies and reports. The second group should describe the facts the studies disagree about, and finally, the third group tell about the things they neglect or miss.
3) The next stage of your research work is clarifying each item you are reviewing. Such ascertaining of information will help you to find out if they were even studying the same problem. Sometimes different studies come to different conclusions because they set different objectives. Use literature review examples to find out more
4) There can be some aspects of a topic that have not been studied yet. Such gaps in knowledge may involve the questions no one has ever tried to answer, some perspectives no one has ever thought of, or facts that no one has ever tried to analyze. Your task is to fill such gaps.
If you want to prepare a high quality literature review, you may use already existing literature review examples or visit custom research writing assistant and find a lot of useful information, for example, persuasive essay outline and other essay samples. Don’t hesitate to apply for a help of professional writer and be sure to get a high mark for your work! Quality of all the works and anonymity is guaranteed!

Written by Gregory Cox
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