Critical Essay
Essay • December 15, 2012
Table of Contents
The Review Process Of A Critical Essay
A critical essay is essentially a review of another author’s work. It could be literary, scientific, artwork, or any academic project. Students have to learn the review process in order to form opinions on different topics. It is a balanced viewpoint on the positive and negative aspects of the work. A reviewer takes a neutral stand when making an objective assessment. Usually, subject matter experts take up a review as all information entered into the essay has to be backed by evidence. Students have an advantage that they can write on a subject they have knowledge about. Choosing the right topic is therefore essential when compiling the essay. Another aspect to consider is that a first person approach should be avoided as it is not a personal opinion being made.
Make The Topic Interesting
An essay has to be interesting to readers. Many would have not read the original works and would depend on the review to form their own opinion on the topic. The headline plays an important role in generating interest. The most positive or negative aspect should be mentioned in it to generate instant interest. A controversial twist to a problem would make interesting reading. If the review provides evidence for the stand taken and also provides a solution to a problem in business studies coursework, for example, the critical essays would appeal to many readers. Another way to make the topic interesting and simple is to compare the point being made with the opinion of several other experts. What this does is add weight to a student’s opinion. Readers would consider it the opinion of an expert.
Analytic Viewpoint Is Essential
An analysis is a detailed study of a topic. Students who develop an analytical frame of mind would be very successful in writing a review. Speciality in a particular subject helps in establishing a firm opinion on different topics. The process takes some time to master. Care should be taken to concentrate on as few points as possible. By trying to take up many issues related to the topic would distract readers from the core issue raised in the essay statement. For instance, statistics coursework requires precision and problems are resolved by applying a particular formula. Evidence sought to prove a point should also be based on the same formula. Introduction of new concepts should be avoided.
An Argumentative Style Works Very Well
To develop an argumentative pattern, students have to develop a unique style of writing. GCSE English coursework would have provided students ample practice on the different aspects of writing including forming opinions and expressing themselves in a convincing manner. A critical essay can be compiled by opting to compare their opinions with those of experts and then evaluating the work of an author. It simplifies matters in terms of gathering the right information on the topic. A compelling style of writing is handy in strengthening the writer’s opinion in a critical essay. Evidence can be used to prove an opinion holds more weight than others. It can be in the form of quotes, problem solutions, statistical and comparative charts, and examples.

Written by Benjamin Ford
The moment I finished reading “Vanity Fair”, I knew what my future profession is going to be. Literature opens wide a window of exciting opportunities and knowledge for young and unbiased minds. It is my pleasure to help them open this window and discover a brand new world of ages-long wisdom.
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