Graduate essay – what is it?
Essay • December 22, 2010
Graduate essays
Search the internet for the phrase “graduate essay”. Millions of topics like “entrance essay”, “”, “term papers” and “dissertations” emerge. You find descriptions of all academic writing activities. There are advices on all sorts of writing. One cannot group this staggering medley of results easily.
An internationally accepted standard nomenclature for essay requirements is overdue. Hence let us try to understand something about everything.
Before admission, you may write an essay as the admissions committees of the colleges in which you seek admission, specify. They use terms like Entrance essay, admission essay, graduate essay and college application essay. Use of prefixes like “college”, “university” and “graduate school” is arbitrary. They may also require a “ ”.
After you give a detailed application form and perhaps even a CV, What is a “personal statement”? You map your attributes to the requirements of a course in a particular college in it.
The essay rules, admissions committees prescribe are inviolable. The college may not allow the choice of the topic. Discuss the topic from your own perspective. The college has some idea what can be your perspective based on your personal statement and CV.
Do not buy second hand graduate essays. They may be plagiarized. Custom make essays to your own requirements and those of the course and the college. Use reputed essay writing services. Provide your CV, course and college details to the service. Tell them briefly why you want to join the particular course in the particular college. Then only they can do a proper job.
Another group of graduate essays is college course work. Possibly you may write a mega essay before the college awards the degree. These essays generally go by the names essays, term papers, dissertations and thesis. They are much longer essays dealing with more mature and complicated areas of thinking. Colleges usually specify a far greater depth of coverage.
They faculty determines the specific requirements relating to the treatment of topic, number of references, citations and formats. It may insist on references from particular books. The number of internet references may be limited. Sometimes the topic may be a case study. The organization of ideas may be prescribed.
It is not uncommon to find multiple options in using recognized formats like APA and MLA. The teacher may be following a particular option and may expect the same from the student.
There may be departmental documents embodying all these instructions.
Sometimes one feels that the teachers are sadistic in prescribing an unreasonably large number of references and a grueling deadline. Last week I saw that a teacher has specified a 10 page term paper with 100 references!
Hence it is natural that students want to avail custom essay writing services. Make sure you order custom essays enclosing all departmental documents you have been supplied.
This blog has very good posts on term paper writing, dissertation writing and various types of thesis. also offers excellent thesis writing services.

Written by Erin Amedda
I love what I do and do what I love. Over the past 2 years, I have written more than a hundred research papers. Every topic is interesting, unique, and important. I search for new solutions, questions, and answers. Let’s discuss your case and create something exciting together!
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