Controversial Research Topics will Never Cease to Exist
Research Paper • February 21, 2009
The Abundance of Controversial Research Topics
What are controversial research topics? These are topics which arouse much interest, discussion and opposing viewpoints. These are topics which are much argued about. Writing on controversial topics is not a cakewalk as you never know what argumentation to develop and what approach to take. On the other hand, you will never feel short of controversial topics as life is abundant with controversies and issues which lead to debates and opposing opinions.
Controversial topics often concern religious, social, or political beliefs which many people do not share and can list thousands of arguments for and against the subject.
The most widely used controversial research topics concern:
• Abortion;
• Gay families and children in them;
• Capital punishment;
• Environmental problems;
• Globalization;
• Sex education;
• Medical ethics.
All of the topics mentioned have no univocal opinion shared by majority of people. There’s no a single correct approach to the issues mentioned. Taking such controversial issue as abortion, one is at loss to answer if abortion has to be banned and legalized. Pro-life proponents claim that abortion is a murder of unborn child who has the right to live. From their point of view abortion should be banned. However, on the other hand, if to remember rape victim child, many would agree that it would be an emotional rape to make a woman bear unwanted child. The controversy is in mother-unborn child rights and it is almost impossible to find univocal opinion what the right approach to the problem is.
Having so many complex issues to explore controversial research papers are not easy to deal with. Writing, for example abortion research paper, one has to explore different opposing views as well as many other information such as statistics, case studies, opinions, etc to produce valid opinion on this highly controversial issue.
One needs to know not only how to make a research paper or how to cite a paper but be a meticulous explorer who is not a proponent of this or that position but a person who just wants to find out every aspect of the subject under research to make up his own opinion. At the same time one needs to be aware of the fact that there’s no unambiguous solution to the problem and one needs to be tolerant to other views and standpoints.
When feeling difficulty in writing on controversial research topics, we recommend to look through free essay samples which are abundant online. However, these can be used only for reference and you can use them only as a model for your future paper. If you need an academic paper to be ready-to-use order custom essay or custom research paper in one of the online custom writing vendors. You will have no problem with research and argumentation. You will just enjoy your A level paper but do not think that it is an issue for a controversial research paper.

Written by Benjamin Ford
The moment I finished reading “Vanity Fair”, I knew what my future profession is going to be. Literature opens wide a window of exciting opportunities and knowledge for young and unbiased minds. It is my pleasure to help them open this window and discover a brand new world of ages-long wisdom.
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